
👨‍🎨Stable Diffusion 提示词生成器

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月亮下的城市,有个机甲少女站立着 蒸汽朋克 橙色色调


【正向提示】A steam punk city with a moon overhead, featuring a mech girl standing in the center. The mech girl is dressed in an intricate orange outfit with steam punk accents, showcasing a unique charm. The mech itself is highly detailed, exuding a strong mechanical vibe. The cityscape is filled with steam punk elements, with the lights from the buildings reflecting on the streets, creating a mysterious and vibrant atmosphere. High-definition, high-quality image, vibrant, detailed, steam punk fashion, futuristic, mechanical, moonlit, mysterious, energetic, captivating, captivating, visually stunning, breathtaking, artful, excellent lighting, intricate details, professional photography, top-notch artwork, trending on ArtStation, trending on CGSociety, masterful composition, skillful craftsmanship, awe-inspiring, visually striking, top-tier quality, visually stunning, breathtaking.

【反向提示】Low-definition, low-quality image, dull colors, lack of detail, poor lighting, blurry, distorted perspective, pixelated, poor composition, low-resolution, generic, uninteresting, unoriginal, poorly executed, lack of creativity, shoddy craftsmanship, amateurish, poorly lit, lack of depth, unimpressive, unexceptional, unremarkable, uninspiring, lack of atmosphere, lack of charm, lack of character, unengaging, unappealing, plain, mundane, mediocre, derivative, amateurish, poorly executed, poorly composed.

【参数】Sampling method:DPM++ 2M Karras;Sampling steps:20;CFG Scale:7;Seed:639249185;最优长宽比:3:4
