

根据您提供的想法生成优化的5条Midjournery prompt,请选择其中一条使用


  1. Chinese Ink Painting, Sunset and a lone duck flying together, calm and serene, dark and light contrast, shades of orange and blue, --ar 4:3
  2. Digital Art, Flock of birds flying over orange skies, the reflection of birds on the water, warm and bright colors, abstract style, --ar 16:9
  3. Oil Painting, A solitary duck swimming in a river, autumn leaves floating on the water, calm and peaceful, natural light, shades of brown and green, --ar 3:2
  4. Graphic Design, Silhouette of a bird flying against a golden sky, mountains in the background, minimalist style, soft lighting, gradient colors, --ar 2:1
  5. Watercolor Illustration, A pair of ducks flying against a pink and purple sky, sunset reflecting on the water, dreamy and romantic, pastel colors, --ar 3:2