
👨‍🎨Stable Diffusion 提示词生成器

sd提示词生成,stable diffusion 提示词翻译,stable diffusion 提示词补全,一个随便的场景,简单的描述,就能够生成丰富的画面描述来协助你使用stable diffusion类文生图AI



【正向提示】A trendy anime guy wearing a hat, a loose hoodie, jeans, and sneakers. He has a wristband on his arm. He is extending his arm forward, waving to greet someone. The image is in high definition and high quality, capturing the vibrant colors and details of the character. The artwork is reminiscent of popular anime styles and is perfect for fans of anime and fashion. It is a full shot of the character, showcasing the intricate design and attention to detail. The image is sharp and focused, allowing viewers to appreciate the artist's skill and creativity. The character's pose and expression exude a sense of friendliness and enthusiasm.

【反向提示】Cartoonish, poorly drawn, low-quality, pixelated, blurry, distorted proportions, unnatural colors, misshapen limbs, missing features, disproportionate body parts, messy lines, unappealing style, generic character design, lack of detail, lack of depth, flat colors, uninteresting pose, unexpressive face, lack of personality, outdated fashion, unattractive appearance, poorly executed artwork, lack of creativity, unoriginal concept.

【参数】Sampling method:DPM++ 2M Karras;Sampling steps:20;CFG Scale:7;Seed:639249185;最优长宽比:3:4
